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Fencing -Security Fencing


Security Fencing at Hage, Hardy ES & University City HS CC24-1123-50-00-00 :Document TypesUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).Open MenuOpen Menu

 1. HAGE ES - 9750 Galvin Ave, San Diego, CA 92126
        A. Front Parking Lot - Provide new fence and gate at school entrance.
        B. Joint Use Field - Enclose existing joint use field with chain link fence.
2. HARDY ES - 5420 Montezuma Rd, S.D., CA 92115
        A. Misc. locations at Joint Use Field. - Enclose existing joint use field with chain link fence.
3. UNIVERSITY CITY HIGH SCHOOL - 6949 Genesee Avenue, San Diego, CA 92122
        A. North Side - Fence around existing portable classrooms and provide new gates.
        B. South Side - Fence around existing student parking lot and provide new gates.
        C. East Side - Revised Gate and Fence line.
        D. West Side - Revise existing iron railing fence line.
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